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                                /_\ .--'   `-.    //  \
   179 Nassau Ave, Brooklyn     ||\/        , '._//    |
   Garden open daily            ||/ /`(_ (_,;`-._/     /
                                \_.'  )    /`\       .'                        
   Mon-Thursday  4pm - 1am           .' .  |  ;.   /`                         
   Fri-Sat-Sun   spm - 2am         /      |\(  `.( 
   Happy Hour   M-F 4-7pm         |   |/  | `    ` 
   Instagram: @diamondlilbar      |   |  /
                                  |   |.'
                               __/'  /
                         . _ .'  _.-`
   Winter 2024 Menu     _.` `.-;`/
     	               /_.-'` / /
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        \  \	  For left credit cards/items,
        /`\ )     or private events:
        |/| |     diamondlilbar@gmail.com  
      _//  \|	  Please email us for any and
          `\|	  all inquiries. 
          If writing in about a private event, 
          we need to know the date, the hours you are 
          looking for and the number of attendees. 
          Please include those details when writing in.
          We cannot provide a quote without that info.
    This website was intentionally made in ASCII. 

    (c) Diamond Lil 2024